Monday, June 28, 2010

At my house.....

We have all been taking it in turns to get sick for the last two weeks. Not much fun. Almost all of us are better though. Yay!

Abbey has been helping to empty the dishwasher. We are encouraging her to help around the house, especially as she still thinks many chores are fun.

She left me some artfully arranged toast crusts.

We have been making cookie cutter sandwiches for lunch. Tastes better this way, I am told.

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And her daddy makes the best mocha (for me) and baby cino for her. He puts his heart into it.

More over at Lou's house.


  1. great pictures! My kids are in the 'cookie cutter toast tastes better' camp too!

  2. Sorry to hear you have all been sick - not fun for anyone!

    The rest all sounds great - 'help' with your chores, cool sandwiches and cafe drinks.

    Thanks for joining in this week. Lou.

  3. hope you are all feeling better soon.
    cookie cutter sandwiches are definitely better tasting, aswell as heart babychinos.
