Happy 4th Birthday Abbey.
Four years ago today, it was supposed to be my last day of work before Maternity leave started. But you had other ideas. Instead, I was waking daddy up at 4-something-am saying my waters had broken. We were having a baby. One month early. No hospital bag packed. Luckily, we did not panic. We packed some bags, and by the time your daddy was driving me to the hospital, contractions had started.
At 1:47pm you arrived after a quick birth of under 6 hours. There was a room full of doctors and nurses when you were born, they were all concerned for your heath as you were a month early. Daddy and Nanny G were there to help too, I needed them. After a quick cuddle, you and daddy were whisked away to the Special Care Nursery, where you lived for the first 15 days of your life.
Since your birth, we have learnt to let you do many things, all in "Abbey-time".
You bring us so much joy and make us laugh every day. We are so proud of you, the way you have grown into such a polite, sweet and thoughtful little girl. We love your energy and enthusiasm and wonder at all things new.
I love you with all my heart, darling girl. Happy 4th Birthday.
Love from Mummy xoxox